
Consultoria e Assessoria Jurídica

O Escritório

Um escritório ágil, moderno, que prima pela advocacia combativa e pela postura colaborativa nas negociações, extraindo melhores acordos para o cliente, quando este for o objetivo. Nosso compromisso é com a excelência no tratamento ao cliente, de forma personalizada.

Multidisciplinares, estamos na vanguarda quanto à modernização da linguagem jurídica para operar no ambiente legal brasileiro em benefício de seus clientes nacionais e internacionais.

O Escritório de Advocacia Rodella foi um dos primeiros escritórios de advocacia na RMC – Região Metropolitana de Campinas a se especializar em direito empresarial e imobiliário, oferecendo atuações personalizadas, nas esferas preventiva, consultiva e contenciosa.

A sign featuring the word 'CONSULTATION' in bold, black capital letters. Beneath the text, there is Braille marked on a white background, surrounded by a dark wooden frame.
A sign featuring the word 'CONSULTATION' in bold, black capital letters. Beneath the text, there is Braille marked on a white background, surrounded by a dark wooden frame.

Áreas de atuação

Somos multidisciplinares. Nosso escritório poderá auxiliar sua empresa em diversas áreas do Direito. Conheça aqui nossas principais áreas de atuação.

Assessoria Jurídica Completa

Preparação de documentos jurídicos, como contratos e estatutos sociais, com total segurança e eficiência.

A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
Consultoria Especializada

Aconselhamento em ações administrativas e comerciais, garantindo a melhor defesa dos seus interesses.

Atuação em Tribunais

Representação em tribunais e órgãos judiciais, sempre com a supervisão de advogados qualificados.
Four men in business attire are engaged in a discussion around a table. One man appears to be explaining something while pointing at some documents in front of them. The others are listening attentively, and one holds a pen and a mobile device. The setting is a plain office environment.
Four men in business attire are engaged in a discussion around a table. One man appears to be explaining something while pointing at some documents in front of them. The others are listening attentively, and one holds a pen and a mobile device. The setting is a plain office environment.
A grandiose courtroom with intricately carved wooden paneling and high ceilings. A row of tall, brown leather chairs lines the back, situated beneath an elaborate decorative relief. The room features a large wooden desk in the foreground. Two flags are present, one with a star on a blue background and red and white stripes, and the other with blue and yellow accents.
A grandiose courtroom with intricately carved wooden paneling and high ceilings. A row of tall, brown leather chairs lines the back, situated beneath an elaborate decorative relief. The room features a large wooden desk in the foreground. Two flags are present, one with a star on a blue background and red and white stripes, and the other with blue and yellow accents.